Acetabuloplasty for Pincer Impingement Surgeon

Have you been diagnosed with an abnormality in the hip bone called Femoroacetabular Impingement or FAI? FAI is a condition which causes pain, pinching and eventually damage to the cartilage of the hip. FAI and hip impingement surgeon Dr. Jervis Yau provides diagnosis and both surgical and nonsurgical treatment options for patients in Santa Barbara who have FAI or other forms of hip impingement including pincer impingement. Contact Dr. Yau’s team today!
An Overview of Acetabuloplasty for Pincer Impingement
The hip condition femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) occurs when a bone abnormality develops in one or more hip bones. Commonly found in younger, active adults who are involved in sports requiring repetitive hip motions, the abnormality can affect the femoral head (ball), the acetabulum (socket) or both. When the condition is present on the acetabular side, it is characterized as pincer impingement. Acetabuloplasty, a pincer impingement surgery, may be recommended by Dr. Jervis Yau, hip surgeon, in Santa Barbara, Goleta, Santa Maria and Ventura, California patients affected by severe impingement.
What Causes Pincer Impingement?
Pincer impingement occurs when extra bone extends out over the acetabulum’s normal rim. The over-coverage is caused from the acetabulum (socket) being too deep, or is mal-rotated. This results in the labrum becoming trapped during certain hip movements. Over an extended period of time, the labrum may tear and damage the underlying articular cartilage.
Dr. Yau will perform a complete medical review and physical examination to determine if non-surgical measures or a pincer impingement surgery is required to alleviate a patient’s painful symptoms. Conservative measures include rest, activity modifications and a physical therapy program. The physical therapy program is designed to strengthen the core and the muscles surrounding the hip joint.
An acetabuloplasty may be recommended by Dr. Yau if non-operative measures fail to alleviate symptoms or if the case of pincer impingement is too severe. Dr. Yau commonly performs an arthroscopic pincer impingement surgery to remove the over-coverage area on the acetabulum. This relieves the bony impingement and creates additional space, allowing the hip to have a normal range of motion. If a patient is affected by both pincer and cam impingement, Dr. Yau may be required to perform both an acetabuloplasty and a femoroplasty (cam impingement surgery).

Recovery and Rehabilitation Following Acetabuloplasty
Patients will be prescribed a strict rehabilitation program immediately following acetabuloplasty. Patients will be required to utilize crutches for approximately 3-8 weeks, as well as a brace to help protect the repaired joint after pincer impingement surgery. During the physical therapy program, patients will be guided through a variety of exercises designed to regain full range of motion while protecting repairs.
Acetabuloplasty Recovery Time
Many patients can expect a return to full range of motion at approximately six weeks, followed by a gradual return to full athletic activities within four months. Acetabuloplasty has proven to be a successful pincer impingement surgery with many patients experiencing significant improvements in both pain and range of motion.
For additional resources on acetabuloplasty, or to determine if you are a candidate for pincer impingement surgery, please contact Dr. Jervis Yau, orthopedic hip surgeon in the Santa Barbara, Goleta, Santa Maria and Ventura, California area.